Litecoin’s MimbleWimble via Extension Blocks Will Be Code Complete by 15th March. Here’s Why It Matters
AI Trading

Litecoin (LTC) network developers have announced the release of Litecoin core version 0.18.1 with new features, bug fixes and performance improvements, coupled with updated translations.

The creator of Litecoin (LTC), Charlie Lee, appreciated the efforts of all the developers involved in the eventual release of the new version, stating that development has not ceased in the Litecoin community.

He furthered that work is already ongoing over the next release, which is Litecoin Core 0.20, an upgrade he believes will take Litecoin to the level of the latest Bitcoin Core.

Charlie Lee wrote:

AI Trading

Litecoin Core 0.18.1 final release is out! Who says Litecoin has no development? Many thanks to all the developers that worked on this release! We are already hard at work on the next release, Litecoin Core 0.20, which will bring us in line with the latest Bitcoin Core.

He further added that Litecoin Core 0.20 release will likely be done before David Burkett’s work on MimbleWimble is ready. So I expect to see 0.20 first and then a release after that which will include MW as Extension Blocks with a softfork.

But for 0.20, we are exploring adding Jeremy Rubin’s CTV (CheckTemplateVerify) feature as a soft fork. Check out I think this is an awesome feature and I hope deploying this first on Litecoin will allow us to test out new smart contract capabilities.”

How to Upgrade to the New Version

Users are advised to upgrade to the new version of Litecoin Core as soon as possible. So, anyone running an older version of the software should shut it down, and Wait until it has completely shut down (which might take a few minutes for older versions), then run the installer (on Windows) or just copy over /Applications/Litecoin-Qt (on Mac) or litecoind/litecoin-qt (on Linux).”

The details of the release can be found here.

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Tobi Loba

By Tobi Loba

Tobi-Loba is a creative and an award-winning writer with over 5 million readers from all over the world. She has B.A in English and Literature from a reputable University and currently studying for her M.A in the same field. She recently became a contributor at Herald Sheets in order to satisfy her thirst in reporting crypto and blockchain occurrences, the interest she built over the years.