AI Trading

The awaited Jormungandr v0.8.10 has finally been released, with a lot of improvements according to the report.

These improvements Jormungandr v0.8.10 is introducing made the Cardano CEO Charles Hoskinson describe the version as a pretty big release for the ITN.

According to the CEO of Cardano, the release of daedalus and wallet backend should be expected tomorrow. However, he pointed out that the releases could be delayed until next week if quality assurance (QA) is not concluded this week.

Charles Hoskinson tweeted this, “This release is pretty big for the ITN. Pool’s upgrade and let us know… daedalus and wallet backend release coming tomorrow or Monday pending QA.”

AI Trading

What’s New in Jormungandr v0.8.10

Going by the report, Jormungandr Version 0.8.10 brings improvements to the asynchronous/multi-threading management. Also, there is an improvement in the way the node handles the client connections.

Below are the detailed improvements as inferred from Github:

Updates to asynchronous code

The team has been eager to start porting one year of future 0.1 work to the async/.await stack. This has been started and allowed us to clean up some of the performance issues and locking issues we had.

The leadership, the chain, the REST and the fragment pool modules of the node have been updated and improved. There are now fewer blocking points risking to create a delay in the leader events (stake pool operator will appreciate that).

Management of Client-Side Network Connections

There is now a limit on client-side gRPC connections kept alive to receive subscription updates from peers, governed by configuration parameter max_client_connections.

The intent is to reduce the overall number of idle connections in the network and improve connection reliability for non-public nodes behind NAT. Have a look at the Full Changelog for the detailed list of changes.

News from the team

Now that the network is more stable than before, we have finally started the move to Rust’s async/await. This is a really exciting time for the team as it was a long-awaited feature of the Rust Programming Language. This will allow us to write cleaner and more concise code and also to improve performance a lot.

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Tobi Loba

By Tobi Loba

Tobi-Loba is a creative and an award-winning writer with over 5 million readers from all over the world. She has B.A in English and Literature from a reputable University and currently studying for her M.A in the same field. She recently became a contributor at Herald Sheets in order to satisfy her thirst in reporting crypto and blockchain occurrences, the interest she built over the years.