AI Trading

Enhancing Privacy Measures

Near Protocol, a Layer-1 blockchain system, has entered into a strategic collaboration with Nym, a leading blockchain security firm specializing in end-to-end encryption and metadata privacy services. The partnership is a significant step towards bolstering security within its ecosystem.

Nym, known for its blockchain-agnostic layer-0 privacy infrastructure, will use cutting-edge mixnet tools to strengthen communication and traffic security across the Near Protocol network. This partnership aims to give Near users an extra layer of privacy and security, ensuring their transaction data is protected during transactions.

One of the critical features of this agreement is the use of encryption techniques to disguise blockchain traffic, shielding the Near Protocol from illegal access. Near and Nym are taking proactive measures to prevent potential threats from malicious actors looking to exploit system vulnerabilities.

Furthermore, incorporating Nym’s technology will be critical in securing off-chain metadata traffic. This method prevents unauthorized access to IP addresses and prevents exploit attempts to de-anonymize users.

AI Trading

This move is consistent with Near’s commitment to providing a safe and user-friendly environment for its expanding community.

Near Ecosystem, Robust Security And Privacy Features

Furthermore, Near users will enjoy a new level of security and privacy as they gain access to a diverse set of decentralized applications (DApps), decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols, and non-fungible tokens (NFT). This access to these applications and tools is among the benefits this partnership offers.

In addition, this Nym collaboration is a huge step forward in the quest for greater privacy for blockchain users and firms. While permissionless blockchains have transformed how transactions are carried out, they have also introduced potential vulnerabilities.

Malicious actors can access transaction data and certain off-chain information, such as IP addresses and geolocation data, which grants them access to unwanted monitoring, planned attacks, and cybercrime.

Harry Halpin, CEO of Nym, explained the importance of privacy-preserving tools in advancing the newly emerging Web3 landscape. He stated that protecting user information has become hugely important in an era when digital privacy is becoming a massive concern.

Improving Security For Blockchain Traffic

Nym’s innovative mixnet technology revolutionizes the security of blockchain traffic. It divides data into encrypted packets and distributes it to a global network of “mix nodes.”

Nym adds “cover traffic” to the mix to increase security by injecting random data into the communication system. This approach increases the complexity of metadata analysis significantly, making it extremely difficult for would-be intruders to gain any valuable insights.

In his remarks, the CEO of the Near Foundation, Chris Donovan, reiterates the transformative impact of Nym’s technology on the Near ecosystem. Donovan added that users in this ecosystem will benefit from increased privacy due to integrating Nym’s privacy-enhancing solution, which aligns with the core ethos of privacy-centric services.

In October 2023, Nym Technologies announced a $300 million fund dedicated to identifying and supporting cutting-edge Web3 projects that offer enhanced blockchain security infrastructure. The firm will also use part of the funds to support projects that enable seamless interaction and management of DApp access.

Additionally, the funds will support remote procedure call protocols and open-source Web3 tools and services, fortifying the Web3 landscape against potential security breaches.

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George Ward

By George Ward

George Ward is a crypto journalist and market analyst at Herald Sheets, known for his engaging articles on the latest digital currency trends. With a background in finance and journalism, he presents complex topics accessibly. George holds a degree in Business and Finance from the University of Cambridge.