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It is believed that more concessions on artificial intelligence could cease the protracted labor action soon.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has come back front and center in the present labor dispute between Hollywood actors and the major studios in the entertainment industry. This may be the major issue that concludes the prolonged SAG-AFTRA strike.

Following the recent stretch of thorough negotiations between the two parties, which entailed famous studios issuing a ‘final, finest, and ultimate offer’ to the actors’ guild, the studios have currently provided more concessions concerning the regulation of artificial intelligence.

Actors’ Long-Established Demands to Govern Studios’ Capability to Leverage Generative AI Models

Despite the lack of clarity concerning the exact components of the concessions, reports show that this offer approaches actors’ long-established demands to govern studios’ capability to imitate their likeliness and voices through generative AI models. The obvious peace offer follows a Monday night meeting between the two sides’ representatives, which sought to establish an agreement.

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Despite the actors claiming there is a lot concerning the studio’s most recent offer that can be improved, especially in relation to streaming residuals, there is currently developing confidence in Hollywood that an agreement on artificial intelligence could be adequate victory for SAG-AFTRA to end the strike completely.

SAG-AFTRA Extra Guarantees Edging Closer to Solutions

According to a SAG-AFTRA source, the extra guarantees associated with artificial intelligence, developed by studios over the past few hours, make a deal ‘quite near.’ A representative from the studio claimed that owing to the updates, a deal will ‘occur.’

According to other sources, a premeditated bet regarding the concession making a deal with actors is the reason for the studios’ willingness to provide extra concessions on artificial intelligence. For more than six years, the SAG-AFTRA and the currently-settled writers’ strike have entirely shut down Hollywood production.

Finding a resolution would theoretically permit time for the resumption of film and TV production at the beginning of next year. The impending year’s release calendar has been significantly disrupted. As such, studios are allegedly attempting to prevent more delays in production. The two sides’ lead negotiators will meet again, with a significant number of industry players hoping this will be the last meeting. 

Editorial credit: Ringo Chiu /

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Michael Scott

By Michael Scott

Michael Scott is a skilled and seasoned news writer with a talent for crafting compelling stories. He is known for his attention to detail, clarity of expression, and ability to engage his readers with his writing.