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The Information Society and The Council of Europe’s Intergovernmental Steering Committee on Media embraced new laws for the responsible utilization of artificial intelligence systems in journalism.

On December 29, the Council of Europe revealed it will implement laws for the ‘responsible execution’ of artificial intelligence (AI) in journalism.

AI Regulations Offer Hands-on Direction to Underlying Issues

The Information Society and the Council’s Intergovernmental Steering Committee embraced the regulations previously unveiled on November 30. They claimed they are a ‘critical contribution’ to advancing a regulation of the law-founded and human rights-compliant public communication sector.

They offer hands-on direction to the pertinent actors, specifically news media firms. Additionally, the guidance covers tech providers and digital networks that communicate news and explains how artificial intelligence systems must be utilized to back the production of journalism.

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The regulations involve artificial intelligence systems in different levels of journalistic production, for instance, the earlier decision to utilize the technology and media organizations obtaining tools and integrating them into the newsroom.

The impact of artificial intelligence on society and audiences is a major aspect of the regulations. Thus, they also recommend the need for technology providers, member states, and member states to take on responsibilities. The Council of Europe is based in Strasbourg and comprises 46 European nations. Its objective is to drive human rights, democracy, and lawfulness.

Media Outlet Sue Microsoft-Backed OpenAI Alleging Copyright Infringement

As artificial intelligence has penetrated the mainstream public over the past year, journalism has experienced mixed reactions. For instance, Channel 1 AI announced that a whole newsroom, fully run by artificial intelligence journalists, will be unveiled in 2024 to offer tailored news to audiences. 

In mid-December, Axel Springer, a German media behemoth, noted it would collaborate with OpenAI to incorporate ChatGPT into its journalism.

In the meantime, conventional newsrooms have had to contend with copyright problems, with most claiming that artificial intelligence models are being unlawfully trained using media firms’ information. The latest instance is the December 27 lawsuit by The New York Times against Microsoft and OpenAI for misusing its content to train models.

New York Times alleges that the defendants infringed its copyrighted material thereby denying it revenue and subscriptions besides destruction of original journalism.  

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Michael Scott

By Michael Scott

Michael Scott is a skilled and seasoned news writer with a talent for crafting compelling stories. He is known for his attention to detail, clarity of expression, and ability to engage his readers with his writing.