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In a live stream video conducted on YouTube some hours ago, the CEO of IOHK, Charles Hoskinson, who doubles as the founder of Cardano (ADA), announced that the countdown to Shelley hard fork has started, and the team is now in the final stage of preparations.

In the video, Hoskinson stated that the implementation of Shelley hard fork slated to play out on 29th July 2020 will make Cardano (ADA) become the best crypto in the market, adding that smart contracts, native assets, among others, are coming on Cardano network after the much-needed upgrade.

QA Team Testing Mainnet Release Candidate

According to the update shared by IOHK on 24th July, the quality assurance team will put the mainnet release candidate through its final paces. Also, tests and performance analysis will be conducted.

In the video, Charles Hoskinson corroborated the points made by IOHK, stating that developers and the QA team will be working harder over the weekend to find and remove any possible bugs before Shelley is finally rolled out.

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Hoskinson stated that the sky is blue, the weather is good and we are counting down towards launch.”

Cardano to Welcome Smart Contracts and Native Assets after Shelley Hard Fork

In the live video, Charles Hoskinson noted that the much-anticipated upgrade is the biggest in the history of the project because it will be taking the network from a static and federated Byron network to Shelley that is fully decentralized and dynamic.

Hoskinson further stated that Cardano was created as a system intended to evolve over time to meet the needs of billions of people across the world. He then assured that the Cardano network will soon welcome lots of things, such as smart contracts, native assets, overlay protocols, among others.

He emphasized that the new developments that are expected to emerge after Shelley hard fork will make Cardano (ADA) become the best cryptocurrency in the market.

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Solomon Odunayo

By Solomon Odunayo

Solomon Odunayo is an accomplished blockchain and cryptocurrency expert at Herald Sheets, known for his in-depth analysis and engaging articles that cater to both beginners and experienced readers. With a degree in Computer Science from the University of Lagos, Solomon leverages his technical background and keen understanding of the crypto space to provide readers with valuable insights and up-to-date news. His passion for innovation and commitment to staying current with industry developments make him a trusted voice in the digital currency community.