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Ben Goertzel, SingularityNET’s chief, explains the unavoidable next stage of artificial intelligence development.

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) is currently rooted in the culture zeitgeist. Every person, from computer experts to social media enthusiasts, looks forward to the singularity. This refers to the instance where AI exceeds human intelligence and evades the control of humans.

Singularity Within Reach in Race towards AGI

Prior to the mainstream adoption of generative AI and mounting concerns regarding the technology’s danger, theorists and professionals believe the singularity is several years away. This will ensure ample time to get ready for a world changed by supercomputers and AI. However, Ben Goertzel, SingularityNET’s chief executive officer, is confident that artificial general intelligence’s (AGI’s) arrival is years rather than decades away.

Goertzel told a media outlet that AGI’s advent would take three to eight years since large language models (LLMs) such as OpenAI’s GPT-4 and Meta’s Llama2 are helpful and are honest progress. He added that the systems have significantly boosted the world’s eagerness for artificial general intelligence. As such, additional financial and human resources will be available to work on AGI.

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Goertzel is a major figure in artificial intelligence and has spent years articulating the AGI concept. He has a Doctor of Philosophy in mathematics from Temple University and has played a major role in different fields such as cognitive science, artificial intelligence, and intricate systems. Since 2010, he has served as the Artificial General Intelligence Society Vice Chairman and Humanity+ chairman. 

In 2017, Goertzel, alongside David Hanson of Hanson Robotics, the creators of Grace, Sophia, and Desdemona Robots, founded SingularityNET, an artificial intelligence and blockchain firm.

Technology Singularity to Stimulate Radical Changes in Human Civilization

The technological singularity is a theoretical future point in which the growth of technology becomes permanent and overwhelming, resulting in radical, unanticipated changes in human civilization. Doubters and critics might resist the idea of computers being more intelligent than humans.

Still, Goertzel claims that the development of artificial general intelligence originates from a similar drive that resulted in other human developments. Examples include a change from the hunter-gatherer concept to an agricultural one. Often, these kinds of changes are not for the better.

Goertzel questioned the reason for developing agriculture, cities, and towns rather than living in a Stone Age style. Some metrics indicate an improvement in life since the Stone Age, while others suggest it has worsened. For instance, mental illness and neuroses did not exist.

Goertzel also claimed that humanity’s impatience is pushing AI development and added that while AI development seems to be founded on personal reasons, it is developing towards a more significant goal.

Goertzel claimed that initially, the ‘why’ for artificial intelligence was partially curiosity but possibly military; the United States military financed artificial intelligence from the ‘50s up to the turn of the century.’ This indicates that the ‘why’ was previously national defense. He also said that the ‘why’ generates revenues for firms and offers perfect tools for musicians and artists to play with.

AI Seeks Beyond the Brain

Artificial general intelligence refers to AI capable of learning and executing intellectual tasks as a human. Unlike specialized artificial intelligence, which shines in a single task, AGI has a broader understanding of the world, similar to a human brain. Nevertheless, AGI’s achievement is a demanding and unrealized goal.

Elon Musk, Tesla’s and SpaceX’s chief executive officer, is one of those pursuing AGI. In July, he unveiled xAI with the objective of a transparent and impartial artificial general intelligence. This past weekend, Grok, the firm’s initial chatbot, entered early public testing.

At the time, Musk said xAI’s overarching objective was establishing an excellent AGI to understand the universe. The safest means to develop artificial intelligence is to build an extraordinarily truth-seeking and inquisitive one.

Artificial general intelligence is one of the significant indicators on the path to the singularity. In an August interview, Janet Adams, SingularityNET’s chief operation officer, said their vision is to move towards a beneficial, positive, and caring singularity for humanity’s benefit.

While artificial intelligence developers have suggested the need to impart ‘human values’ in generative artificial intelligence models, Goertzel warned that values change with time.

Goertzel said they do not want artificial intelligence to do what is thought to be right at present since what is believed to be right two decades from now will not be what is considered right. 

Editorial credit: Piotr Swat /

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Michael Scott

By Michael Scott

Michael Scott is a skilled and seasoned news writer with a talent for crafting compelling stories. He is known for his attention to detail, clarity of expression, and ability to engage his readers with his writing.