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Anthropic is mulling over $750 million funding steered by Menlo Ventures that will increase its value to $18.4 billion. The artificial intelligence startup traces its origin to former OpenAI employees and would realize nearly 4.5x of its $4.1 billion valuation at the onset of 2023. 

Anthropic Mulls Funding Round for Subsequent Projects

The news of Anthropic’s plans to fundraise appeared in the December 20 publication of The Information. Nonetheless, neither Anthropic nor its spokesperson has yet responded to the inquiry on the development. 

Anthropic opened shop in 2021 and quickly attracted funding from established tech-based companies, including Salesforce, Zoom, and Google. A review of the activity by the OpenAI shows that Anthropic concluded two funding rounds, raising an aggregate of $750 million in the April and May events. 

Google’s involvement in the funding round saw the search engine giant assume 10% ownership in the AI startup. PitchBood data illustrated that the May funding round constitutes a critical milestone rivaling the January investment by Microsoft in the OpenAI in January. 

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Google support for Anthropic saw the tech giant agree to allocate $2 billion to the AI firm in October. The deal saw Google commit a $500 million upfront infusion, with the remaining $1.5 billion allocated over time. 

The anthropic team is behind Claude 2, whose development rivals OpenAI’s ChatGPT chatbot. The Claude 2 chatbot is proving its meaningful utilization, particularly by Salesforce’s Slack, Notion, and Quora. 

Anthropic’s Claude 2 Proves Reliable and Superior Summarizing Capabilities

The Anthropic team has profiled Claude 2 as possessing superior capabilities in summarizing 75,000 words, which is equivalent to a book. It accommodates large data input that the users can request for diverse summaries, including letters, stories, or memos. It dwarfs Sam Altman’s ChatGPT, whose summarizing capability is capped at 3,000 words.  

Anthropic rise to challenge Altman-led OpenAI arises from the input of the founding team led by Dario Amodei and Daniela Amodei. The siblings served in vice president roles in research and safety policy, respectively. The duo tapped other research alumni from OpenAI. 

Anthropic quest to challenge the Microsoft-backed OpenAI manifests in its superior Claude 2 product. Recent research by Arthur AI assessed multiple chatbots from OpenAI, Cohere, Antropic, and Meta. 

The exercise by the machine learning monitoring illustrated that Claude 2 emerged as the most reliable chatbot for heightened self-awareness. As such, it proved accurate in assessing what it knows and lacks the knowledge to only respond to inquiries aligned to the training data. 

Anthropic Co-founder Hails Diversity in Developers Team

Daniela Amodei had in a July pronouncement that Anthropic committed two months to develop the newest chatbot. The executive indicated that the exercise had 30-35 experts directly engaged in the model, with another 150 supporting the course. 

Daniela believes that the market is evolving rapidly to create a room where multiple players can succeed. She admitted that the present time features unusual experiences for one to prioritize a business perspective. 

Amodei illustrated that large language models (LLMs) are witnessing wild demand than the industry can supply. The trend is strangling the suppliers as demand is outlasting the LLMs available. Amodei profiled the landscape as limitless, thereby yielding adequate space for multiple users to utilize the system.

Editorial credit: T. Schneider / 

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Michael Scott

By Michael Scott

Michael Scott is a skilled and seasoned news writer with a talent for crafting compelling stories. He is known for his attention to detail, clarity of expression, and ability to engage his readers with his writing.