Tezos Foundation, the company behind the Tezos blockchain, has signed a partnership deal with Unity, a renowned game engine developer. Tezos’ collaboration with Unity aims to expand and promote the Web3 gaming sector.

Both entities will develop a Web3-based Blockchain SDK for dApps and games. The crypto winter has affected several crypto entities and the crypto market.

However, Web3 gaming has gained wide adoption despite the recent downturn in the crypto market. Tezos Foundation wants to collaborate with Unity to onboard the next generation of gamers into Web3.

According to an announcement issued by the group, the PoS Tezos blockchain secured a professional service arrangement with Unity’s Accelerate Solutions division five months ago.

Once both parties resolve the finer details of the partnership, Tezos’ developers will create a Web3 Blockchain SDK (software development kit). This product will be available on the Unity Asset Store and other Web3 game plug-ins.

The developers clearly stated that the latest Tezos Web3 blockchain SDK would be released on all platforms. This includes web browsers, desktop PCs, and mobile devices running on iOS and Android.

As a result, Unity developers would be able to develop Web3 games. Additionally, the SDK will allow them to establish dApps (decentralized applications) on the Tezos blockchain.

Tezos Blockchain To Make Gaming More Exciting 

Jeremy Foo, TriliTech’s Global Head of Gaming, commented on the latest development. TriliTech is a Tezos-based blockchain development and research hub.

Foo stated that the company is thrilled to witness the development of Tezos SDK. Trilitech’s Global Head added that the partnership with Unity would help promote Web3 gaming.

“This is the first full blockchain SDK co-developed with Unity. It provides game creators with a simple and complete option for adding a wide variety of Web3 capabilities that will make crypto games more exciting for gamers,” Foo added.

Meanwhile, the Tezos blockchain is known for its low carbon footprint. This has increased the adoption of the blockchain by various top brands.

Some brands that have partnered with the blockchain include Manchester United, a premier league giant, and Papa John’s, a US pizza restaurant. Besides, gaming has gained colossal attention lately.

The increased interest in gaming skyrocketed following the COVID-19 lockdown, where most individuals were at home. Since then, many gaming companies have launched metaverse gaming options with added perks for users.

George Ward

By George Ward

George Ward is a crypto journalist and market analyst at Herald Sheets, known for his engaging articles on the latest digital currency trends. With a background in finance and journalism, he presents complex topics accessibly. George holds a degree in Business and Finance from the University of Cambridge.