Trading futures contracts involves many factors that traders evaluate. Others might see if demand increases for a commodity by looking for trends on a chart. Fundamental and technical analysis are typically classified into two broad categories based on the evidence that traders use.

The use of both types of research allows traders to gather evidence concerning the trades they are considering placing on the market to decide which one is the best. Traders will use this study to determine where they believe the market will move in the future and whether they should buy or sell futures contracts based upon their perception.

To select trades, the trader will rely on one form of analysis or a combination of fundamental and technical studies to determine when to enter and exit the market. A trader’s evidence is usually gathered from all kinds of sources, and rarely will fit into one category only. To paint a complete picture of the market they are trading, traders need data from various sources and in a variety of formats.

Fundamental Analysis

An analysis of the factors contributing to the supply and demand of a futures contract is known as fundamental analysis. The trader might, for example, review Crude Oil Inventories to determine whether the price of Crude Oil will rise or fall based on supply in the future. A trader may decide to buy oil now based on his fundamental analysis of the inventories report and the assumption that prices will increase.

To increase the demand and supply in a market, many factors contribute to this. E complex, interrelated, and their effect on price can change over time. A detailed model and analysis are essential to building a comprehensive fundamental picture of the market. As the market is protected from shocks in either supply or demand, supply and demand are typically slow to react.

In addition to natural disasters, supply chain problems, and product defects, these shocks can also result from human error. In the event of a natural disaster, a port that is a significant unloading point for crude oil might be damaged, resulting in a reduction in simple oil supply that could not have been predicted by a supply and demand model.

Technical Analysis

Patterns determine the market’s direction on a price chart created by technical analysis. Many indicators or practices are used to monitor the price movement on charts to determine where the price is going to move next. The technical analysis illustrates where the price is and where it might go in the future using a visual representation of the current price.

The levels of supply and resistance are of interest to traders when looking at charts. As a result of these factors, there are many indicators of supply and resistance, including moving averages, previous highs, lows, and last price levels that the price cannot move above or below. Based on what the technical analysts believe is an essential buy or sell the station, the traders will evaluate these levels and decide to buy or sell when the price is at that level.

It is necessary to keep in mind that there are differences in the data and assumptions between the two forms of analysis. Still, since they are both referencing the same market, the information provided can be combined to produce a more comprehensive analysis of the market you intend to trade.

The Three Golden Rules:

The three Golden Rules of Technical Analysis are as follows:

First Rule: Prices are discounted by all public information that is publicly available.

Second Rule: Indeed, price movements are not random events. It is possible to establish trends that explain price changes.

Third Rule: A price trend is likely to repeat itself over time.

E-mini S&P 500 Futures

If we look at the expected forward earnings for a sample of 500 stocks that represent the S&P500 index, then one can establish a fundamental analysis for the ES contract. Stock prices are referred to as stock prices because they are based on a company’s earnings. For the stock price to rise, there should be a positive relationship between earnings growth and profits growth. As the stock price moves down, a decrease in earnings reflects this drop in the stock price. The stock price will go down if profits and revenues are going down. Furthermore, you should keep in mind that the price of a stock is related to the earnings it will generate in the coming years. If the payments are expected to increase due to prospects, then the current stock price might also be expected to expand accordingly. Based on an analysis of the price levels of 500 stocks, the S&P500 index was created.

A review of the overall index shows an impact on the overall index based on each store’s price. The size of its market capitalization determines a stock’s market capitalization contribution. There is a tendency for the cost of the index to rise if an overall growth cycle for stocks is taking place and earnings are increasing across the board.

Analysts, for instance, may recognize that future earnings may be higher than what is currently being priced into the index based on the company’s current earnings projections.

The trader is likely correct in his assessment, and earnings will rise more in the future than anticipated; therefore, the ES futures contract will increase the price. If the trader in this example would like to take advantage of this potential move up in the stock market, they would want to buy contracts in the S&P 500 futures contract.

Crude Oil Futures

There is also the case of the market for Crude Oil as an example. Almost every time the price has reached the $100 level of oil per barrel, it has been followed by a price decrease. Thus, a technical analyst might believe there is strong resistance at this level. It has been challenging to move the price above $100 since buyers have been unable to generate enough demand to push sellers out of the way to move the price above $100.

From the fundamental perspective, let’s look at the same example. To differentiate between actual traders, it is likely that the virtual trader would have studied the production costs of different producers at around $100 per barrel and realized that a lot of producers in the oil industry would turn on wells with a higher production cost over the time when the price of Crude was lower, and increasing supply would decrease the price.

There are many different ways to extract crude oil; it could be economically feasible to drill some wells below $40, while others might not be financially feasible until the Crude reaches $60 or higher. There is a reason for this – not all oil is created from the same geology, which is found in deep undersea wells and the shale oil industry, with varying exploration costs and operations.

Using Fundamental and Technical Analysis Together

Traders often combine technical analysis with fundamental analysis to better understand future demand and supply. Many traders build pricing models and then evaluate charts to confirm or fine-tune their assumptions.

Additionally, many traders study charts, are concerned about the fundamentals and will do their best to see whether future supply and demand is sufficient to move the price through resistance or support potentially or to create an environment where supply and demand are driving the price for an extended period. Occasionally, a shock on the market can impact demand and supply for months or even years after the event.

Differentiation factors

As the stock market is a long-term approach, fundamentals are determined by the analysis of historical data over a period of several years. Those stocks that are expected to increase in value in the future as the market continues to grow are the types of supplies that investors can select using a method like this. It is because technical analysis is the analytical method that day traders use to evaluate the stocks on a short-term basis to determine their suitability to trade.

The primary purpose of the analysis is to select those stocks that are more likely to increase in value over the next few months for sale at a higher price shortly.

Fundamental analysis is conducted to identify long-term investment opportunities that consider a stock’s intrinsic value. Based on the past price movement of a store, technical analysis determines whether it will increase or decrease in price in the future.

Fundamental analysis is primarily used to assist in investing since it is inherently a long-term strategy. Technical analysis, meanwhile, addresses the goals of trading.

Using financial statements and available data, fundamental analysis is used to make decisions. In contrast, the technical analysis relies on price movement trends and charts to make decisions.

When a fundamental analysis is conducted, a stock’s past and its present financial information are considered, compared to a technical analysis, which only looks at the history.

To be a long-term investor, fundamental analysis is instrumental. As a result, technical analysis is suitable for day traders and short-term investors who want to earn profits by selling stocks within a short timeframe.

Fundamental analysis involves no assumptions. As an analyst, you must make many assumptions. Among them is the assumption that the price will remain in the same direction.

In addition to determining the stock’s intrinsic value, fundamental analysis can also help determine if the stock is overvalued or undervalued.

Using technical analysis, one can figure out when to buy or sell a stock based on movements in the price.

The Critics

The technical analysis of many critics is viewed as unfounded or wishful thinking at the very least. Be prepared to hear these critics ridicule supporters of the discipline to the point of questioning the validity. Many firms employ both technical analysts and fundamental analysts on Wall Street.

Technical analysis is often criticized for the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH), which asserts that the stock price already reflects past trading information. In its most extreme form, the “strong form efficiency” hypothesis argues that equity prices are accounted for by both technical and fundamental analysis. Burton Malkiel’s book A Random Walk Down Wall Street explains this thought process in detail, finding investors are better at predicting than picking stocks.

EMTs remain just hypotheses. Investment strategies should be determined according to an investor’s philosophy.

Interconnected Markets

Since markets are interconnected, it is common for traders to look at multiple calls simultaneously to gain a comprehensive picture of the market. Fundamental analysts explain how supply and demand can affect supply and demand in another market by modeling the relationship between two markets.

Feed and livestock costs are examples. Raising livestock will become more expensive if feed costs rise. In the short term, the cost of feed might lead farmers to liquidate their herds, driving down prices and reducing the availability of livestock. This would lead to an increase in livestock prices in the future. As the importance of proper analysis of these relationships cannot be understated, the trader must be aware that many factors can make a market move in their favor.

The relationship between two markets is of interest to a technical analyst. Charting both commodities on a single chart will enable the technical analyst to look for correlations between them. Both the price of one market and the price of a related call will be compared to see if they both rise and fall simultaneously. Carts can also demonstrate that the two markets have no connection.

Fundamental vs. Technical Analysis Comparative Table

Indicators   Fundamental Analysis   Technical Analysis
Meaning   Calculation of the intrinsic value of a stock   Charts and trends about stock price movements are used to analyze and predict its price
Purpose   Make an investment decision based on the intrinsic value of the stock   Based on predicted future prices, determine the best time to enter and exit a stock market
Relevance   Investments over the long run   Investing short-term
Function served   Investments   Trading
Basis of decision   Historical and current data   Historical information
Source of data   The financial statements and past performance of the company   Trends and charts
The factor for buying stock   Stocks that are less than their intrinsic value   Its value can be increased in the future if an investor believes it’s likely to be sold at a higher price
Concepts used   ROI and ROA are returns on equity and assets, respectively.   Theory of the Dow, price data
Approach followed   A long-term view   Temporary
Assumptions   It is not assumed anything.   Many assumptions are made, such as the assumption that prices will continue in the same direction


Advantages & Disadvantages

  1. Fundamental Analysis



Analytical methods: Fundamental analysis uses sound financial data as a basis for analysis. No individual bias is involved.

360 Degree Focus: Long-term trends in economics, demographics, technology and consumer behaviour are also considered.

We employ statistical and analytical tools in order to deduce the value and then make a proper recommendation for Buy/Sell.

Better Understanding: To get a better understanding of everything, rigorous accounting and financial analysis are vital.


Time-consuming: Analyzing and modeling industries. Valuing companies is not my cup of tea. Getting started is complicated and it can be challenging.

Assumptions centric: Financial forecasting relies heavily on assumptions. Therefore, the worst-case scenario and the best-case scenario must be considered. Changes in the economy, political system, or legislation may create unexpected problems.

  1. Technical Analysis


Analyzes volume trends: Demand and supply determine the trading market. The sentiment of traders can thus be gleaned from this data. Overall market sentiment can therefore be judged. When demand is high, prices are likely to rise and fall when the supply is high.

It tells you when to enter and exit: It is possible to predict when to enter the game or exit it based on technical analysis.

Provides current information: An asset’s price is determined by all the information available about it. All information is balanced by the current price, increasing or decreasing.

Patterns give you direction: Your buy and sell decisions can be guided by practices.


Too many indicators spoil the charts:

You may be confused by too many hands, and your analysis will suffer.

Underlying fundamentals ignored: The underlying fundamentals of a company are not considered in technical analysis. Long-term time frames can make it risky.


Investors around the world use both methodologies to make market-related decisions.

As opposed to fundamental analysis, technical analysis uses historical price movements to predict future stock prices. Basic research focuses on intrinsic value, while technical analysis focuses on price fluctuation.

Based on fundamental analysis, all factors that affect the price of a stock (known as the fundamentals), such as the economic, financial, and other pertinent factors, are taken into account. It is based on the idea that regardless of the short-term effect of fundamentals on prices, fundamentals will eventually impact stock prices.

This type of analysis looks at historical price movements rather than factors influencing those prices. Stocks aren’t considered when it calculates future values; instead, it analyzes past trends to estimate future values.

Nathan Ferguson

By Nathan Ferguson

Nathan Ferguson is a talented crypto analyst and writer at Herald Sheets, dedicated to delivering comprehensive news and insights on the ever-evolving digital currency landscape. With a strong background in finance and technology, Nathan's expertise shines through in his well-researched articles and thought-provoking analysis. He holds a degree in Economics from the University of Chicago, and his passion for cryptocurrency drives him to stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends and developments.