The US anti-crypto senator Elizabeth Warren has revealed plans to engage energy supervisors in the US to monitor the activities of crypto mining firms.

Warren updated the Twitter community on February 12 that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the US Department of Energy (DOE) should leverage their position to obtain energy consumption and carbon emission information from crypto miners.

Explaining the move, Warren indicated that access to the emission and energy utilization would bring transparency to the crypto-mining sector.

Regulators Adopting Stringent Crypto Mining Regulations

Recent efforts by environmentalists to reduce carbon emissions are dominating headlines in crypto. Warren’s February 12 tweet mirrors environmentalist speculations on the impact of crypto mining.

Undeniably, crypto mining activities are associated with high energy consumption due to the complexity of maintaining the blockchain network and processing transactions.

This awareness convinces environmentalists to argue that crypto mining triggers carbon emission that leads to global warming.

Absence of Transparency in Crypto Mining Questioned

The attempt to mitigate climatic changes has inspired Warren to call for transparency in crypto-mining activities.

Warren considers environmental dominos in the US, including the Department of Environment (DOE), should gather information about crypto miners concerning energy usage and carbon emission.

Access to such information would enable the regulators to control emissions from the crypto mining firms. Additionally, Warren argued that EPA and DOE regulators are entitled to obtain such data from crypto miners.

Elsewhere, seven crypto mining companies recently lacked the information to respond to democrats’ queries.

The lack of adequate information concerning the impact of crypto mining on the environment embroils regulators and environmentalists from pursuing a suitable solution. Such negotiations between the environmentalists would continue this year.

Michael Scott

By Michael Scott

Michael Scott is a skilled and seasoned news writer with a talent for crafting compelling stories. He is known for his attention to detail, clarity of expression, and ability to engage his readers with his writing.