North Korean hackers are responsible for the theft of over 1000 NFTs, which resulted in a profit of $350,000. This discovery was made via a wallet connected to the hackers group.

Phishing And Hack Attacks

After the profits from selling those stolen NFTs were traced to the group’s crypto wallet, a group of North Korean hackers were found guilty of stealing over 1000 NFTs. 

This theft occurred as a result of a series of phishing attacks and malicious links that investors and NFT owners clicked, granting hackers access to their wallets and allowing them to seize all of their assets.

Slowmist, a blockchain analysis firm, provided this analysis report.

The North Korean group of hackers known as APT, which stands for Advanced Persistent Threat, has recently been terrorizing the cryptocurrency community by engaging in malicious activities and hacking.

Their security wall allows them to remain undetected for an extended period of time while stealing user data and information. They use phishing attacks and other hacking methods; they were also suspected of being backed and supported by the North Korean government.

A Threat In The Crypto Space

According to Slowmist, this APT group has been active for some time, staying at the forefront of crypto hacks and phishing activities.

In the internet-based and digital age, phishing is a highly regular occurrence where hackers pose as company representatives and attempt to trick you into disclosing private information that you would have preferred to keep to yourself.

Bringing it up in the context of cryptocurrency, these hackers pretend to be NFT projects with the appearance of utilities and profits. When you connect your wallet to their website, they give out minting links to mint their NFT, which is a ruse for them to gain access to your account and steal your money.

Analysis findings reveal that this APT gang has used more than 500 domain names specifically for this purpose in order to successfully carry out their activities undetected.

These coordinated attacks are currently considered to be among the most frequent in the crypto space now.

This group has also been connected to a number of other significant cryptocurrency exchanges.

Report also reveals that through their operations, they have been able to extort more than $2 billion from both people and businesses.

Richard Hines

By Richard Hines

Richard Hines is a respected news writer and analyst with a knack for uncovering the key elements of a story. His articles are insightful, informative, and thought-provoking, providing readers with a nuanced understanding of complex issues.