CZ Binance Goes Down the Memory Lane, Compares Present Situation of Bitcoin (BTC)

John McAfee, the well-known cybersecurity guru, and stern cryptocurrency enthusiast seems to have discarded his ever trending promise of eating his di*k on the national television if his Bitcoin prediction fails to playout.

Many crypto enthusiasts have been anticipating to see John McAfee eat his di*k on the national television as promised. He made this promise a couple of years ago to solidify his prediction of Bitcoin hitting $1,000,000 by the end of 2020.

As the case may be, BTC is still lingering far below $10,000 support level, watering down the hope of reaching $100k in 2020, let alone attaining such an exorbitant price level in 12 months.

McAfee Disclaims His Bitcoin Prediction, Calls it ordinary Ruse

John McAfee has been challenged several times by other cryptocurrency enthusiasts and analysts about the possibility of his seemingly outrageous Bitcoin prediction, considering the time frame.

He has however tagged the promise to eat his di*k on the national television as a ruse to help Bitcoin convince more investors. He then claimed that his move has so far worked as planned.

He said, “Eat my dick in 12 months? A ruse to onboard new users. It worked. Bitcoin was first. It’s an ancient technology. All know it. Newer blockchains have privacy, smart contracts, distributed apps and more. Bitcoin is our future? Was the Model T the future of the automobile?”

As expected, his followers took turns to challenge him for tagging it a “ruse to onboard new users” when the time to fulfill his promise draws near. A user said, “word is bond john”

In a swift response, McAfee said, “Wake the fuck up. What idiot thinks anyone is going to eat their own dick ever? Especially in TV!! Are you that idiot? God .. I hope none of my followers are that stupid.”

Another user challenged McAfee, “Come on john, .. you can’t break your promise.. what shall all the kids think…”

He replied thus, “What the kids think? For now, and hopefully more, I am one of the elder adults on this God-forsaken planet. Pray that we elders, as a group, do not cull some sorry asses from our progeny, which for me, now, numbers in the 100’s. Maybe I committed the sin of overpopulating.”

In a nutshell, John McAfee has jettisoned his end of 2020 $1 million BTC prediction, so he won’t be eating his di*k on the national television as once promised.

Tobi Loba

By Tobi Loba

Tobi-Loba is a creative and an award-winning writer with over 5 million readers from all over the world. She has B.A in English and Literature from a reputable University and currently studying for her M.A in the same field. She recently became a contributor at Herald Sheets in order to satisfy her thirst in reporting crypto and blockchain occurrences, the interest she built over the years.