It was back in 2013 when the cryptocurrency world got to know about Jihan Wu. Wu earned his name in the cryptocurrency industry when he emerged as the co-founder of Bitmain Technologies. Bitmain Technologies was among the first cryptocurrency-related firms that went on to get publicly listed. It was back in 2018 when Bitmain Technologies went public and offered great support to the cryptocurrency community.

Since then, Jihan Wu has gone on to support many ventures within the cryptocurrency industry. He has helped many cryptocurrency startups secure investments through funding rounds. He has not only gained a lot of respect within the cryptocurrency industry but also in the mainstream sector as well as among venture capital firms.

This is the reason his name and endorsement are always able to bring in a lot of investments to crypto-firms that are able to get him on board. One of the recent cryptocurrency startups that managed to get his support was Matrixport.

Matrixport was reportedly supported by Jihan Wu in its capital raising round. Jihan Wu’s presence helped the firm bring in so many investors that the firm has managed to gain the title of the unicorn in the cryptocurrency industry. This particular term is linked with firms that are able to achieve and maintain the market valuation of $1 billion in the crypto-verse.

Jihan Wu’s attachment to the particular funding round managed to bring in several investment firms and venture capital firms. Surprisingly, some of the largest venture capital firms participated in the funding round making it a huge success.

According to Matrixport, it was the Series C funding round that was held by Matrixport. As a result of the funding round, the firm was able to generate funds worth more than $100 million. Names of some of the major venture capital firms include K3 Ventures, C Ventures, DST Global, and Tiger Global.

Matrixport exists in the cryptocurrency industry as a financial firm company. This is the reason why the platform aims to provide crypto-firms with similar kind of services and infrastructure that is offered by Wall Street.

This way, Matrixport aims to provide the cryptocurrency industry an infrastructure that is able to compete with the traditional financial sector.

One of the former investors at Bitmain and CEO of Matrixport Ge Yuesheng, Matrixport has received the backing and support of many major investors. Since the beginning, the firm has been supported by individual investors that have really high net worth.

These investors have a wide range of return and risk expectations. Although it is easier to generate funds with the contributions of such investors, it is also hard to keep up with their expectations. However, this is what motivates Matrixport and its teams to ensure they are always delivering the best service to the customers. In return, the company is going to earn a lot of name and profits for such investors.

Lucas Williams

By Lucas Williams

Lucas Williams is a talented writer and storyteller with a passion for bringing words to life. He is known for his vivid imagination, attention to detail, and ability to craft compelling narratives that captivate his audience.