One of the most important aspects of getting good at cryptocurrencies is timing. You need to learn the best time to trade in a specific asset and the best time you should sell and move on.

And one of the best ways that you can always know when the best time is to sell and buy is to keep in touch with the crypto community and see what is happening on a timely basis. Only by keeping up with them will you be able to make the most of your trading experience.

In this guide, you will learn about how you can best keep up with all of the information about the crypto market and specific cryptocurrencies.


One of the best ways that you can keep up with the crypto market is with the help of Discord. There is a multitude of discord channels that focus on both the general market as well as specific cryptocurrencies. The moderators are also working hard to give live updates about various situations in the market.

You will also get the chance to interact with a lot of people who are also learning how to trade in crypto, so it can be a unique learning experience for you as well.

Metrics and Analytics Sites

If you want a more researched-based look at the market and its many changes, then you can rely on metrics and analytics sites to keep you informed. You can get a more detailed look at what cryptocurrencies are on top of the market, and you will even get the chance to look at their history and how they have reacted in the past.

Using this information, you will even be able to make more informed decisions, or you can find do your own research to see some coins that are becoming increasingly popular.

Crypto News Outlets

While crypto news outlets can be a little questionable for the types of topics that they choose to cover, they are usually on point and fast with their reporting. While most news posts will rarely be longer than a few paragraphs, they also stick straight to the point.

Since they keep things short enough to not take up too much time, they can be a very reliable source of information. They are usually an hour or two late to the news cycle, so there are rarely any times when you will be at a disadvantage.


CoinGecko is possibly one of the best options when it comes to trying to track cryptocurrencies, especially if you want to take it more seriously. The service comes with a variety of features that allow you to track what is happening in the market as well as your favorite cryptocurrencies.

You will be able to see how it is doing in terms of popularity, as well as how it is doing in terms of price. You can even see statistical data about how your coins are performing.


Finally, one of the best ways that you will be able to keep up with the market is through Twitter. Since most people already have a Twitter account, this is also the most accessible way for them to keep up with the market. The best part is that information is instant, so you are usually getting informed about changes in the market as soon as they happen.

You can even follow various news outlets to make sure that you do not miss any major updates in the market. Most news outlets will often make a tweet first and then post their news story.


One of the most important things that you need to do when you start trading is to keep up with the entire market. You want to make sure that you are not late when it comes to investing in the right coins or selling at the right time. Therefore, you have the best chance of making more informed decisions.

Mark Ackman

By Mark Ackman

Mark Ackman is an experienced news writer and analyst with a knack for uncovering the heart of a story. His articles are insightful, informative, and well-researched, providing readers with a nuanced understanding of complex issues.