Google's DeepMind Says New AI Training Technique Faster

Scientists behind Google’s DeepMind tout the JEST approach as 13 times faster in training AI. The new technique is ten times more efficient, implying lower energy demands.

The DeepMind researchers tout the new approach as accelerating AI training while saving on time and computational resources needed. The new approach is a reprieve for the scientists from the energy-intensive process, thus facilitating faster and cheaper AI development. 

DeepMind researchers indicate in a recent publication that the joint example selection (JEST) triumphs over the existing models by 13 times. Further, the multimodal contrastive learning with JEST yields ten times less computation. 

AI’s Intense Energy and Resource Consumption

The AI space is a highly energy-intensive industry with large-scale systems such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT, which are topping high energy consumption. ChatGPT has high processing power and demands energy and water to cool the systems.

The increase in AI computing within Microsoft saw the water consumption in the tech company surge by 34% from 2021 to 2022. ChatGPT is rumoured to utilize 0.5l for every 5 to 50 prompts. 

The International Energy Agency (IEA) forecasts that the electricity consumption for data centres will double by 2026. It compares AI and oft-criticized energy demands of the crypto mining space. 

The JEST approach offers a solution for optimizing data selection during AI training. JEST will substantially lower the iterations and computational power, thus lowering the overall energy consumption. 

The JEST approach aligns with enhancing the efficiency of AI technology and mitigating its environmental impact.

The proof of the technique’s effectiveness will lower the power utilization in training their models. It implies that the JEST approach could yield more powerful AI tools by leveraging the same resources or lower in developing the newer models. 

JEST Functioning

The JEST approach runs by selecting complementary data batches to optimize the AI model’s learnability. The algorithm considered the entire set compared to conventional methods in determining individual examples. 

The JEST approach supports learning multiple languages simultaneously. It eliminates the need to learn Norwegian, German, and English separately as it supports studying each language through another. 

Google embraces a similar approach that is proving successful, with the researchers stating in the publication the viability of jointly selecting data batches. Such supports learning, unlike during independent selection. 

The Google researchers utilize multimodal contrastive learning with the JEST process, helping the identification of dependencies that arise within the data points. This method enhances speed and training efficiency while utilizing less power. 

DeepMind Touts JEST Training Speed and Efficiency

The primary approach was beginning with the pre-trained reference models necessary to steer the data selection process. The technique facilitates the model in prioritizing high-quality yet well-curated datasets to optimize training efficiency. 

Besides the summed quality of the data points, the batch quality functions of the composition are autonomously considered. 

The publication explains that the study’s experiments affirm solid performance gains relative to multiple benchmarks. In particular, it targets training on the common WebLI dataset by leveraging JEST and yields remarkable speed learning and resource efficiency improvements.

The researchers revealed that the algorithm realized quick discovery on the learnable sub-batches. Doing so accelerates the training process by prioritizing compatible data pieces. 

The DeepMind researchers consider the technique to be data quality bootstrapping in valuing quality rather than quantity. The approach affirms its suitability for AI training. 

The publication says that the reference model trained successfully on the small curated dataset that effectively guides curation in larger datasets. The reference model enables the model training to surpass reference model quality strongly across multiple downstream tasks. 

Meanwhile, Google researchers indicated in their June study that AI suffers multiple limitations in comedy writing. Such extends beyond the typical content generation.

The study’s findings support the need for an effective AI model, with comedians lamenting the absence of nuance, emotion, and subtlety humans bring from their life experiences. It is uncertain if the JEST approach will overcome this inadequacy. 

Editorial credit: Photo For Everything /

Michael Scott

By Michael Scott

Michael Scott is a skilled and seasoned news writer with a talent for crafting compelling stories. He is known for his attention to detail, clarity of expression, and ability to engage his readers with his writing.

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