The war is between ‘decels’ identified as effective altruists who intend to slow down and Altman’s associates plan to move quicker.

Soon after Sam Altman’s abrupt ousting from his chief executive officer position in OpenAI, a leading artificial intelligence (AI) titan, several reports now claim that the firm, or at least some major investors, including Microsoft, intends to get him back.

Sam Altman Returns to OpenAI

According to a report, Ilya Sutskever, a chief scientist, led the coup on the six-member board of directors, which included Sam Altman and Greg Brockman, the firm’s co-founder and board chairman. This coup was carried out almost at noon on Friday without Greg’s involvement and in the absence of any further talks with Altman or the company’s major investors.

The investors, notably Microsoft, which invested approximately $13B into the ex-non-profit, were caught unaware. The Redmond-founded technology giant gave a public statement asserting the ‘highest confidence’ in a post-Altman OpenAI.

However, several media outlets claim that Microsoft was banking on Sam’s leadership and is a critical player in an exclusive strategy aimed at returning him to run the firm.

Microsoft and OpenAI have yet to substantiate these reports. One newspaper report shows that more OpenAI investors are advocating for Sam’s return.

OpenAI Experience Leadership Shake-Up

The chaos is entrenched in Altman’s deeds for the firm, lately depicted by an extremely packed DevDay keynote one week ago, as well as the likelihood that he may begin something fresh and directly compete with his ex-employer.

Altman’s unexpected sacking evoked some major exits from the firm, beginning with Greg. On Twitter, he claimed he was pretty proud of what they have developed together since beginning in his apartment eight years ago. He also quoted Sam’s previous farewell message and said they had experienced difficult and good times together, achieving a lot despite the existing challenges.

Several other OpenAI workers, including three crucial artificial intelligence researchers, followed Greg’s and Sam’s footsteps. A technology news website reported that by Saturday, numerous OpenAI employees jointly warned they would exit the firm in case Sam did not come back.

Late Saturday, it revised its report to claim that talks missed the workers’ 5 p.m. PT deadline. The update reads that if Sam decides to exit and launch a new firm, the staffers will join him.

Strategies for Accelerating Development of AI Industry

Concerning Sutskever’s and three more board members’ decision to vote for Sam’s removal, the technology news website asserts it was due to a ‘power tussle between the firm’s research and product sides.’ Two board members have links to the Effective Altruism movement previously pushed by Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF).

Most artificial intelligence observers have mentioned the likelihood that the OpenAI research team attained a significant breakthrough some time back, evoking a faceoff between OpenAI’s not-for-profit, humanist origins and its significantly fruitful for-profit corporate future.

Split Among Proponents and Opponents of Advanced AI

The technology news website explained that, unlike traditional firms, the board is not responsible for increasing shareholder value, and no one possesses equity in OpenAI. Rather, their defined mission entails the creation of ‘vastly valuable’ artificial general intelligence (AGI).

Given the widespread concerns that artificial intelligence could develop well past humans’ ability to control it, a threshold referred to as The Singularity triggered the conflict.

It became inevitable for a significant revolution in artificial intelligence would possibly develop a split between persons intending to slow things down and those intending to press ahead quicker. According to industry watchers, those intending to slow things down are ‘decels.’

Dan Siroker, RewindAI’s chief executive officer, posited that this would be something Greg, Sam, and the board would agree must remain private in the OpenAI’s and the world’s best interest. Also, dismissal is sensible in case the board perceives that his deeds threaten a ‘safe AGI that is vastly helpful.’

Kara Swisher, a famous tech journalist, postulates that a change to the firm’s governance is mandatory for Sam to return. This applies to Microsoft and the rest of the board’s big names and not those who believe in the Terminator plot. So far, she has been posting new information on the story on Twitter.

Most have equated this corporate fuss to Steve Jobs’s dismissal by Apple’s board of directors in 1995. He was finally reinstated to run the Cupertino-founded firm to become the globe’s most valuable organization. His hiring and dismissal took place on the same day, with an 11-year gap. Concerning Sam’s situation, his return might be quicker.

Editorial credit: DIA TV /

Michael Scott

By Michael Scott

Michael Scott is a skilled and seasoned news writer with a talent for crafting compelling stories. He is known for his attention to detail, clarity of expression, and ability to engage his readers with his writing.