Alex Holden, A Cyber Intelligence whiz in Ukraine, reportedly stole about $25,000 worth of BTC from a secret Russian drug market. He then added about $8,000 to his loot and transferred it to a charity group that fends for war victims.

Alex Holden Blesses Charity Group With Stolen Funds

The war between the two neighboring countries, Ukraine and Russia, continues despite several mediations. However, amidst the severe crisis, a cyber intelligent professional, Alex Holden, reportedly blessed a charity group with stolen $25,000.

According to the report, Holden claimed he and his colleagues at Hold Security firm hacked into Solaris, one of Russia’s biggest illegal drug markets. Then, they stole about $25,000 in BTC and decided to give it to Kyiv’s Enjoying Life Charity group.

Enjoying Life is a non-profit humanitarian group catering to war victims in Ukraine. According to Holden, for a brief moment, the team redirected cryptos from drug traffickers on Solaris to Enjoying Life’s wallet.

He further explained that they did this by hacking into the platform’s internet support facility and taking hold of the site’s administrators’ accounts. In addition, Holden said they retrieved some classified data like the identity and locations of the traffickers through their quick hack.

However, he stated that he did not give anyone or any group the information. He added that due to the urgent nature of their operation, they could only scoop sufficient BTC funds before they were discovered.

In total, the team withdrew 1.6 BTC, worth about $25,000. Furthermore, he said they added $8000 to the $25,000 to make $32 000 and sent the sum to Enjoying Life Charity. While commenting on the news, the CEO of the charity confirmed that he had received the donated amount.

Holden Stole To Help War Victims

According to reports, Alex Holden initially lived in Kyiv but left the city in 1980 after the Chornobyl nuclear crisis that caused disaster in the nation. He added that since the war between the two countries broke out, he has been trying to help his country by all means.

He further said that his passion for helping war victims led to the hack. While speaking in an interview, Holden sent an indirect message to the Russian government.

Holden stated that the secret drug deals are beclouding Russians’ judgment concerning the ongoing war. He also said he hoped Russian authorities would halt the fighting and focus more on solving illicit drug trafficking in the country.

Currently, Holden possesses enough information to locate the drug traffickers, according to reports successfully. He also has the data on every transaction that has been executed on Solaris since its inception to date.

George Ward

By George Ward

George Ward is a crypto journalist and market analyst at Herald Sheets, known for his engaging articles on the latest digital currency trends. With a background in finance and journalism, he presents complex topics accessibly. George holds a degree in Business and Finance from the University of Cambridge.