A city in Japan has embraced a metaverse-based schooling service for the encouragement of the students, particularly to deal with those who reside away from their schools, to assist them in attending the classes. The metaverse schooling facility, which is selected by the Japanese city, permits the students to browse the campus as well as study in the virtual classrooms present in the virtual environment.

Japanese City Leverages Metaverse Schooling for Tackling the Growing Absence

Nonetheless, the pupils must seek authorization from the principals of the respective school to be allowed to have their attendance marked through the metaverse schooling, as confirmed by the native media outlet NHK. The data released by the government pointed out that more than 244,940 students from junior high schools and elementary schools in Japan were not present for a minimum of thirty days during FY 2021.

The report of NHK brought to the front the interest of a 5th grader in conversing online rather than going to school physically. While the school has not been attended by the child in more than 2 years, interest was shared by them in seeing and conversing with their friends to participate in outdoor games, including tag.

While the endeavors to enhance attendance at schools are counted as a challenge, the authorities in Japan are confident about benefiting from the metaverse technology for schooling to assist the students to establish a strong bonding with the people moving around them.

Fukuoka Makes Efforts to Lead the Japanese Web3 Market

The head of the education center in Toda, Sugimori Masayuki, expects that the students getting an education in the metaverse-based environment would one day be able to live in society independently.

Recently, another city named Fukuoka announced that it would partner up with Astar Japan Labs. This collaboration is focused on turning the city into Japan’s hub for Web3 technology. Soichiro Takashima, the mayor of the city also remarked on this move.

As per the mayor, the city is making great endeavors to achieve its ambition of becoming a leading region in pushing forward Web3 technology.

In his words, they need to follow the big entities – in line with how they contributed to the world while the position of Japan was strong – in Web3’s context. Sota Watanabe, the founder of Astar Network, disclosed intentions to allure entrepreneurs and developers through close collaboration with Fukuoka City.

Nathan Ferguson

By Nathan Ferguson

Nathan Ferguson is a talented crypto analyst and writer at Herald Sheets, dedicated to delivering comprehensive news and insights on the ever-evolving digital currency landscape. With a strong background in finance and technology, Nathan's expertise shines through in his well-researched articles and thought-provoking analysis. He holds a degree in Economics from the University of Chicago, and his passion for cryptocurrency drives him to stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends and developments.