Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies have been growing in popularity like never before. While this is a great time to be alive for anyone who purchased Bitcoin a few years back, it’s becoming challenging for the rest of us to keep track of our growing wallets and generate secure passwords.

We’ve all heard of Mt. Gox and Coinbase, where hackers found the easiest way to get their hands on your coins is by trying to get your password.

But there are ways you can enjoy the benefits brought by cryptocurrencies while staying safe and secure while using.

In bitcoin and crypto, security is everything. Protecting your private keys from hackers and thieves is vital as you need your keys to open and use your cryptocurrency balances.

Here are a few tips on securing your bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies

Use cold storage

One of the safest methods for keeping your cryptocurrency safe is through the use of cold storage. This means storing your crypto offline, away from potential threats like hackers or viruses.

Cold storage can be achieved by using a hardware wallet like the Ledger Nano S or Trezor or by printing out your private keys and storing them safely away from online networks (and, therefore, hackers). Cold storage refers to any method of storing cryptocurrency offline. This includes hardware wallets, paper wallets, and even brain wallets.

The main advantage of using such approaches is that they can’t be hacked; however, this also means that you have to access the device or paper to transact with it physically.

Regularly update your software.

It is the biggest mistake not to update your software. This includes operating systems and apps like web browsers and mobile phone software. Hackers often use known vulnerabilities that have been fixed by companies but haven’t yet been patched by users.

If you don’t update your software regularly when these updates are available, then you’re leaving yourself open to attacks from hackers looking for easy targets who don’t take security seriously. It’s best procedure to update your devices at least once or twice per week — especially if there’s a known vulnerability or security issue with one of them that needs fixing ASAP before criminals.

To keep up with the latest developments, it is recommended that you update your wallet software regularly. This will ensure that you always use the most secure version of your wallet and prevent malware attacks from impacting your funds.

Backup your private keys

Before we go into details about protecting our cryptocurrency wallets, let’s talk about an essential thing: your private keys. It is a secret code that allows you to spend your cryptocurrency funds with any wallet of your choice.  The private key should not be shared with anyone because if you lose it or someone else gets access to it, they will have access to all your funds in that wallet.

This means that if someone steals a private key, they can quickly transfer all of the funds associated with it out of your purse without permission or notification. So how do you secure a private key? The first thing you need to do is backup your private keys by writing them down on paper or saving them on an external hard drive or USB stick (preferably encrypted). You can also keep them online via services such as MyEtherWallet.

Create a strong password

Your wallet needs to be protected by a strong password that is not easy to guess or crack. This includes using capital letters, numbers, and symbols in the password, as well as avoiding common passwords such as “123456” or “password.”

You should also avoid passwords that contain personal information such as birthdays, names, or addresses because they can be easily guessed if someone knows you personally.  This is especially true if you use the same password on multiple websites — even if they are not related — because hackers could then use this information to access various accounts simultaneously.

It’s also essential that you don’t write down your password anywhere because if someone gets their hands on it, they will have complete control over your coins.  To make sure your wallet remains secure after you create it, it’s best to enable two-factor authentication (2FA) when possible so that no one else can access it without

Never share your private keys with anyone.

One of the most essential rules of securing your crypto assets is never sharing your private keys with anyone. These are long strings of numbers and letters that allow a user to access their wallets and send/receive coins in a particular currency.  The majority of cryptocurrency wallets will generate private keys automatically when they are set up, so there’s no need to worry about keeping them somewhere safe yourself – make sure they aren’t shared with anyone else!

Another thing worth noting is that if someone does manage to hack into your wallet and get hold of your private keys, they can easily steal all of your coins as well as any new ones you received after losing them! This means that even if someone steals only half of your total balance, it is still essential not to share

Use Crypto Hardware Wallets

Hardware wallets are devices that store private keys on a microchip or external device. They’re highly secure for storing cryptocurrencies because they are not connected directly to the internet, so hackers can’t hack into them remotely.

Two popular hardware wallet brands include Trezor and Ledger Nano S. You can use these devices as ordinary wallets or as cold storage devices (where you store private keys offline).

The only downside is that they cost money — USD 99 for Trezor and USD 69 for Ledger Nano S — but it could save you from losing all your coins in case of a hack or scammer attack.

Avoid Keeping Excess Coins in Exchange Wallets

When you’re getting started with Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, it’s tempting to keep your coins in an exchange wallet.

The convenience of being able to buy and sell instantly can be attractive, especially for beginners. But when you store your coins on an exchange, you’re putting your money at risk.

Exchange wallets are convenient because they allow you to convert your fiat currency into bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies quickly and easily. However, these wallets are not as secure as different types of wallets because they are controlled by a third party. If you store all of your bitcoins on an exchange wallet, then they can be stolen or frozen by hackers or regulators at any time.

Store your Private Keys Offline on a Paper Wallet

A private key is a secret number that allows bitcoin to be spent. Every bitcoin address has a unique personal key attached. Possession of this key is what allows someone to spend bitcoins sent to that address.

If someone knows your private key, they can spend your bitcoins. So please keep it safe! There are two main types of wallets: Hardware Wallets – which store your private keys offline on a hardware device like USB keys or hard drives where you need to connect them to your computer to access them physically; and Software Wallets – which store your private keys online in “hot” wallets on the internet connection to the internet for ease of use but are riskier because they are potentially vulnerable to hacking.

Enable two-factor authentication (2FA).

Enable two-factor authentication (2FA). Most exchanges use 2FA as a security feature, so enabling this on all accounts that support it is essential. 2FA is an extra layer of protection that requires you to enter another code when logging in from a new computer or device (usually sent via text message).

When you log into your account on an exchange or web wallet service, it sends a text message with a unique code to your phone number. You then enter this code on the website before logging in or performing any transactions with your account.

If you plan on transacting large amounts of money through an exchange or wallet service, consider using multi-signature technology to further protect your funds from hackers and thieves.

Multi-signature technology requires multiple people to approve transactions before they can be completed and affect your account balance; therefore, if one person’s private key is compromised, the hacker still needs another user’s private key before they can steal your funds or account information.

It would be best if you also chose a long passphrase for your wallet, which is required when setting up 2FA on most exchanges.

Learn How to Spot Scams and Phishing Attacks

If you’re new to cryptocurrency, it’s essential to understand how these digital assets are stored, secured, and used. Here are some crucial tips for keeping your bitcoin and crypto safe: Never leave your wallet online unless you’re actively trading. Hackers can access online wallets through malware or other social engineering forms.

Don’t trust anyone who contacts you about Bitcoin or any other crypto-related investment opportunity via email, text message, or social media.

The vast majority of these messages are scams designed to steal your money. If you think you’ve received one of these messages from someone legitimate — such as an exchange or wallet provider — check the sender’s email address against the source (e.g., CoinBase) before clicking any links or attachments in the message body.

Don’t click on links in emails you aren’t expecting.

Hackers often use phishing scams to gain access to people’s cryptocurrency wallets. A phishing scam is when someone emails what looks like an official message but is a fake email.

The emails often look like they come from your bank or another trusted source, but they are affected.

Most people have heard the saying, “If it sounds too good to be true….” This applies here too! If someone sends you an email saying they have found some extra bitcoins or that they have lost some bitcoins and need help recovering them, don’t fall for it! It’s not true, and there is no such thing as free money!

So avoid clicking on any links they might send you because they might install malware on your computer, which can allow them access to all of your information, including passwords and personal information like credit card numbers which could allow them to drain all of

Use a Firewall and Antivirus Protection

The most important step you can take to secure your Bitcoin and crypto wallets is to use a firewall and antivirus protection.

If you have a computer or smartphone, then there’s a good chance you are already using some form of firewall and antivirus protection. It’s good practice to keep these programs up-to-date as well.

A firewall is designed to block unauthorized access to your computer by malicious software or hackers.

A good security program will also contain an antivirus component, which scans for viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and other dangerous code that could damage your system if it were allowed through the firewall.

Some people use two different firewalls: one in their operating system and another in their browser (if they’re using one). This helps prevent hackers from exploiting any holes in one program to gain access to information stored in another part of their computer or smartphone.

Don’t Mine Directly to Your Wallet Address.

If you are mining cryptocurrency, you need to be careful where you send your rewards. If you mine directly to your wallet address, other miners will know exactly how many bitcoins you have.

This could expose your wealth and make it more difficult for you to spend it anonymously.

It is possible that someone could take control of it. This can happen when hackers compromise your computer or when you buy a compromised device such as a laptop or smartphone.

You should mine to a separate wallet that has been created specifically for this purpose and not use an exchange wallet or any other type of wallet that will have access to multiple coins.

The only exception is if the pool uses a multi-sig solution for the payout address, but in this case, there are still risks involved with leaving large amounts of value in one place for an extended period.

Use a Dedicated Wallet for Your Day-to-Day Transactions

When it comes to security, there are two types of wallets you can use: a hot wallet and a cold wallet.

A hot wallet refers to any wallet that is connected to the internet. This includes any software or hardware wallets that you use for day-to-day transactions. The advantage of using a hot wallet is that the transaction times tend to be faster than cold wallets.

Still, the disadvantage is that they are more susceptible to hackers and other cybercriminals.

A cold wallet is an offline wallet that you keep in a safe place away from your PC or mobile device. These wallets can be paper or hardware, but they don’t need an internet connection to work.

They’re typically used by people who want maximum protection against theft and other forms of hacking — such as when storing large amounts of Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies. Cold wallets are usually disconnected from the internet,  so if someone tries to hack them, they often won’t find anything because there’s nothing there!

Check crypto exchange security credentials before trading.

Many crypto exchanges have security credentials far exceeding traditional financial institutions. However, crypto exchanges are still vulnerable to hacking and other cyberattacks, so it’s essential to take steps to secure your crypto wallet.

Check crypto exchange security credentials before trading. It’s essential to verify that your exchange meets specific minimum standards before sending any money there.

Some deals require two-factor authentication (2FA), which adds an extra layer of security by requiring you to enter a code sent to your phone after entering your password.

Other exchanges offer cold storage, which means they keep holdings offline and away from hackers’ reach — this is especially important if you hold large amounts of money in one place.


Security is the biggest issue today regarding cryptocurrency, and that’s why even if we trust exchanges, coins, or wallets, this doesn’t mean we should avoid the security measures used by most people.

The list above is more general advice in terms of security, not just focused on exchanges, wallets, or a particular coin, but it will be helpful regardless. Each section has its points and a little bit short explanation as to why this needs to be done, so it should be easy for everyone to understand.

Hopefully, you’ve found the above tips helpful. If not, then at least I hope that the information provided has been enough to get you thinking more deeply about how you protect your crypto assets and future-proof them from a security breach.

Nathan Ferguson

By Nathan Ferguson

Nathan Ferguson is a talented crypto analyst and writer at Herald Sheets, dedicated to delivering comprehensive news and insights on the ever-evolving digital currency landscape. With a strong background in finance and technology, Nathan's expertise shines through in his well-researched articles and thought-provoking analysis. He holds a degree in Economics from the University of Chicago, and his passion for cryptocurrency drives him to stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends and developments.