Hackers Ditching Bitcoin for Monero Due To Recent FBI’s Privacy Breach on Colonial Pipeline Hackers

Cryptocurrency trading is not restricted to bitcoin alone, as the majority of people believe. If you are considering strategies to broaden your crypto trading inventory and are seeking for a different asset to invest in, Monero (XMR) may be the coin to consider.

Have you ever heard about this cryptocurrency? Do you know how special it is and why it is so different from its competitors? This article is everything you need to study as it has covered everything about this currency, ranging from its advantages to the actual way you can buy it, you would find everything in one place.

What is Monero?

One of the most popular cryptocurrencies today, Monero, is an open-source digital coin that takes great pride and recognition in its secrecy and privacy of operations, mostly because only two of its seven creators are exposed to the general public. However, although Monero is built on the very same basic technology used by other altcoins and virtual assets, blockchain or the public ledger, its inventors were critical of the idea of virtual currency due to its lack of data protection and sought to make it more secure and private.

Many people believe that privacy is something to be feared; however, there are a variety of legitimate reasons to desire to maintain privacy. Perhaps you’re in the midst of business talks and wouldn’t want to tell how much money you have available. Probably you do not have confidence in the system of your nation. Perhaps you may not want to be seen as a potential target for crooks by exposing yourselves. Possibly you don’t really want your dad to know how regularly you order expensive clothes from Amazon. The right to privacy is a basic human right, and online trading is definitely no exception to this rule.

One big reason why people has been so fond of Monero is that its so private and yet, the best part is that no one even knows how it is achieving such high levels of privacy, you know. Obtaining privacy while retaining decentralized openness is by no means an easy job to do, and hence, since Monero is doing it so perfectly, it has a separate customer base from all across the globe.

When one takes a short look back at the history of Monero, it becomes clear that it is a derivative of Bytecoin, a privacy-oriented coinage that was first introduced in 2012. Bytecoin was the very first strategy that was dependent on CryptoNote.

For those who aren’t sure what CryptoNote is, it is an open-source innovation that was solely intended to address problems associated with Bitcoin and its fundamental working protocols. Specifically, such flaws include ASIC processing which is the employment of specialized mining gear as well as a lack of control and privacy in transactional data transmissions. CryptoNote is now the foundation for a slew of cryptocurrencies that place emphasis on secrecy.

Following the first release of Bytecoin, developers who were dissatisfied with the project’s direction split it into a development task known as Bitmonero in 2014. The term was eventually altered, with the “Bit” being dropped to become what is now known as Monero.

Advantages Of Monero


The privacy characteristics of Monero are highly advantageous for individuals who place a high value on privacy in their lives.

It is impossible to tell where a banknote has come from or what it has been used for until you have one in your possession. One cannot know if the money was used to purchase pizza, an earring, or even human body parts since there is no way to determine it. Because of this unidentified record, the valuation of a banknote cannot be influenced or changed by the banknote’s history; the banknote will remain to be good enough to justify the denominations indicated on it. In other words, it may be exchanged for another paper of the very same value if both are of the same type. We can make it fungible, which implies that it can be swapped with something of the same value.

On the other hand, the majority of cryptocurrencies keep track of every activity on a shared blockchain, allowing users to know precisely where their cryptocurrency has been since it was added to the blockchain for the very first time. This implies that if the money has previously been used in illicit activities, this may be traced back to the source and may have a negative impact on its valuation. This is not fungible in any way. All currencies may have been supposed to be equal, but a few decades from now, it is possible that they will not be equal at all!

Monero, on the other hand, is a virtual coin that is fungible due to the strong privacy characteristics it has. Given that you can’t follow the coins’ history, there’s no way to tell if a coin is illegal or unclean. While this is beneficial to certain criminals, it is also beneficial to innocent people who may unintentionally come into possession of tainted cash.


While Monero is well-known and lauded for its secrecy, the mining process is equally significant in its own right. Mining is the process by which users decode transactions in order to verify them and, in exchange, receive more cash.

When it comes to cryptocurrencies, this is a critical element of how they may be decentralized since a large number of miners must agree on computation in order for it to be legitimate, and theoretically, anybody could be a miner.

Many cryptocurrencies, on the other hand, need or prefer the use of an ASIC or application-specific integrated circuit. ASICs may be quite costly, and they use a significant amount of power. This results in mining being controlled by those who live in nations with inexpensive energy and those who have the ability to aggregate their processing capability in some kind of a mining pool. All of these dominant players contribute to cryptocurrencies being more regulated as well as centralized than they have been originally intended to be. This is troubling from a moral standpoint, but it also has the potential to generate security issues. If a pool obtains control of more than 50% of a ledger, they will be able to stop, reverse, or reroute operations as they see fit.

Monero, on the other hand, is resistant to ASICs, making it a more accessible crypto-currency for CPU mining. The expectation was that it would result in a more uniformly dispersed and independent network of miners in the future, which is surely a win-win situation. Monero’s mining strategy was designed explicitly such that ASICs would not have a significant benefit over existing computers possessed by members of the general public while mining the cryptocurrency.

This implies that individuals all around the globe will be maintaining mining operations on their own computers or at their places of employment. Those who do so will be rewarded with Monero in return for installing the program that handles and validates other Monero deals on their computers. Consequently, if somebody else is covering the energy bill (for example, an employer or a university apartment building), users will also have a monetary benefit to mine Monero utilizing the additional capacity of their existing computers. This will increase the total amount of Monero mined.

Individuals will be much more eager to casually utilize their current devices for this work than they’d be if they were required to acquire and deploy purpose-built ASIC mine gear. Moreover, given that no specialized mining machines is necessary, it would be simple for everyone who installs a Monero wallet to commence mining on their PC by merely clicking a couple of buttons on their desktop.

One significant implication of choosing Monero over BTC will be that individuals involved in Monero will surely be capable of earning their first small amount of Monero by getting involved in the mining process, which is an interesting development. This is a significant marketing victory since it ensures that Monero gets distributed to the greatest sample of individuals possible, thereby fueling their excitement. Nevertheless, while Monero’s ASIC-resistance seems to be intriguing, it has not yet been shown to be totally effective and would take time until it gets fully adapted.

Bitcoin and Monero

There is a widespread misperception that Bitcoin is a completely untraceable kind of digital currency. The basic foundation of Bitcoin would be that all information is recorded on a public database known as the blockchain, which is accessible to anybody. This is beneficial since it enables anybody to authenticate that a transaction took place, which is especially important for transactions that must be entirely open and transparent.

Monero is distinct from Bitcoin in that it is concerned with the privacy aspects of digital currency transactions rather than the transactional aspects themselves. Monero makes use of a particular form of technology to ensure that transactions are untraceable and that balances are kept concealed at all times.

If your cryptocurrency address is only ever made public, anybody may examine your balance as well as the balances of all other bitcoin wallets with whom you have interacted in the past. Despite the fact that names are not expressly written on the blockchain, if anyone chooses to reveal their identity openly, all prior and future actions connected with just that location will be permanently linked to that individual for all eternity.

You also don’t have to make your address public in order for someone to find out that you are the owner of the property. In fact, just dealing with those other tagged domains may be sufficient evidence for somebody to conclude that a certain account belongs to you. It is really that easy.

While certain organizations, particularly those that must be accessible, may choose to disclose their transaction history, the same cannot be true for all people and businesses. Consider the possibility that anybody may see your balance sheets and activities. It’s possible that you don’t want the whole world to know about your income and consumption habits, and that makes utter sense, thou. I’d never want that for myself too.

The recent wave of cybersecurity incidents that exposed credit card information and other related data has made economic privacy even more important, and that too, for all good reasons. Monero places high importance on the protection of personal data, and by definition, transaction data are kept hidden from all third-party access and other community.

However, it’s worth noting that while secrecy has fueled the fast popularity of Monero, it has also brought with it a number of difficulties.

For example, the non-traceability and confidentiality qualities enable them to be used for shady reasons and in problematic markets, such as those dealing in narcotics and gambling, among other things. The usage of Monero expanded in marketplaces that were prominent on the dark web, such as AlphaBay and Oasis before they could be shuttered. Nevertheless, new adjustments are being designed continually to assist this community in achieving its aim of providing greater safety and confidentiality to its members and visitors while keeping the dangers to the minimum.

How to Purchase Monero?

Acquiring Monero is an easy process that may be accomplished via the use of the following options:

Purchasing from Private Individual Sellers

If you have a public key, you may use it to look for other persons who are selling XMR units on the internet. Afterwards, all you should do is exchange a portion of your fiat cash for that individual’s Monero, and that’s literally it. However, although this approach seems straightforward, you will just have to engage with a significant amount of back-and-forth communication to complete the transaction.

Purchasing from a Crypto-enabled ATM

A growing number of banks are attempting to capitalize on the cryptocurrency craze, and as a result, some conventional ATMs are now outfitted with the required capabilities for conducting cryptocurrency-related transactions. The problem is that there aren’t so many of these ATMs accessible for urban mobility at the moment, making it more difficult to locate one of these machines. However, if you have one in your easy access, you can buy your Monero from there.

Purchasing Monero Using a Cryptocurrency Exchange

Most users prefer to acquire their Monero coins via online cryptocurrency marketplaces known as exchanges rather than from individuals or from ATMs, which may be time-consuming and complicated. A virtual marketplace where users may purchase and sell their cryptocurrencies is provided by an exchange. It is also here that users may exchange their fiat currency for XMR and other sorts of cryptocurrencies if they like.

If you plan to purchase Monero through an exchange, be sure to find out how much they demand in a transaction and their operational expenses before you commit. If the marketplace takes payment cards and if they need a minimum initial payment of fiat currency for every transaction, you should look into it more. In an ideal world, the service would also secure users’ identities where they can conduct transactions without any fear of theft or online fraud.

If you understand what you’re doing, entering the universe of Monero is a very simple procedure that will save you time and money in the long run. In essence, the entire operation, from creating an account with a cryptocurrency wallet to purchasing cryptocurrency—can be accomplished in a couple of moments. The more you learn about XMR and how it operates, the easier it should be for you to navigate your initial journey into this growing cryptocurrency.

What is the Best Way to Utilize Monero?

After being engulfed in Monero’s highly complex vocabulary, the similarity of ‘wallets’ is certainly a nice change of pace. Wallets are, well, wallets, to put it bluntly. A crypto-wallet somehow doesn’t hold money, but just the credentials that enable users to access that commodity in question. However, if you are acquainted with digital currencies, you would be aware that the word ‘wallet’ has been used across such a wide range of currencies.

Because Monero is a very secret cryptocurrency, there are not too many Monero wallets available there are for competing commodities, which is understandable. Nevertheless, you would have to put your confidence in your wallet, whichever you opt for.

You might use a hot wallet, in which case your key is saved online, but if you’re purchasing Monero, you’re presumably concerned about privacy and anonymity, so this may not be the right alternative for you. An alternative is to use a cold wallet, which is a wallet that is physically kept on a piece of machinery for better security. Go with whatever works the best for you.


The cryptocurrency Monero (XMR) has established itself as the coin of choice for those seeking the highest levels of privacy protection over many decades. Aside from that, it has a whole ecosystem of engineers that are dedicated to enhancing the anonymity of the transactions carried out by its users.

Larry Wright

By Larry Wright

Larry Wright is a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and author. He is known for his insightful reporting and his ability to delve into complex issues with clarity and precision. His writing has been widely acclaimed for its depth and intelligence.